The Age Old Question: What is Truth?

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Musings on Truth….

    Talking about the truth can be a very touchy subject.  It seems there is the general definition which can be reduced to the correct statement of facts or occurrences, and then there is a larger, more nebulous, underlying meaning that can only be inferred, its meaning is beyond words.  It seems this sense of Truth is perceived by all human beings and I believe it binds us together.  The amazing thing about Truth is that no one can seem to adequately explain it. I imagine most people have more pressing needs to think about. But if you're interested and have the time, here are some thought provoking quotes:  (Be careful, I noticed as the truth becomes closer and closer, evil lurks larger and larger.

The Lord

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  I've always thought that this was a fascinating statement.  First, I could be free.  It wasn't like I was in bondage or anything, but even at a young age the allure to roam unbound seemed immensely attractive, and all I had to do was “know the truth”.  Sounded good to me. (Ref: Gospel of John)


“Truth is the offspring of silence and unbroken meditation."  I think that the important thing here is that truth is as much experience as it is anything else.  So, if you think that you can find truth by reading somebody's website, it's probably not going to happen. (Ref: Isaac Newton)


"In wartime truth is so precious that she should be attended by a bodyguard of lies."  I realize that this was intended to stress the importance of secrecy during World War II, but from my own observations, I've found it also applicable in a broader sense.  Personally, I found that I'm always at odds on several fronts just in my daily operations. (Ref: Winston Churchill)


“Man firmly believes a thing because he accepts it without looking deeply into it.  He begins to doubt when objections are raised.  In many cases he succeeds in laying all his doubts to rest and begins to believe again.  Then he no longer clings to a truth plucked at random from the darkness but stares truth in the face and marches directly toward it.”  Well said. (Ref: Democracy in America by Alexander de Tocqueville)


“The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.”  I like this because it shows the paradoxical nature of truth that on the surface doesn't make sense, but it's so intuitive it must be real.  Not bad for a "Godless" scientist who laid the foundation for quantum mechanics. (Ref: Niels Bohr)

Seneca Warrior

"Truth is that special understanding, that when revealed and shared with others, gives witness to the presence of God.”   "The most amazing thing about truth is that it doesn't have to be believed" (Ref: I made this up myself as my alter ego in the "Meditations of the Iroquois")


What is truth? (Quid est veritas?) A question ascribed to one of history's most infamous characters and likely asked by countless others.  Even though Lord Jesus testified that he was “witness to the truth”, he declined to give a verbal answer to Pilate, As I mentioned before, he couldn't answer, possibly, it's more of a realization than a dictionary answer.  Or as an old girlfriend used to say, "If you have to ask why I'm mad, I'm not going to tell you! (Ref: Gospel of John)

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